Select a term below to view the session outlines within it.
1 - You are never alone
Introducing the idea that God is with us all the time and offering the opportunity to experience his presence. Youth process what it means to be lonely and how God can make a difference.
2 - Family - God
Focusing on understanding a God of love, in pursuit of relationship with us. Children experience sitting on Father God’s lap, youth hearing his voice through scripture and presence and older youth process how they can move deeper in encounter with Father God.
3 - Family - Jesus
Exploring Jesus as living water, who can fill us with his presence. Youth unpack what it means to continually be cleansed and refreshed by a spring of living water.
4 - Family - Holy Spirit
Considering the power of God brought by Holy Spirit and exploring what it means to have this power inside of us.
5 - Family - adopted
Thinking about what it means to be the adopted sons and daughters of the living God. Considering the authority that brings and how it changes us to know who we are in the Kingdom.
6 - God is good, all the time
Considering how our choices can affect our perception of God. Thinking about how the bad can be used for good. We introduce testimony slots and prophetic art for in this session.
7 - God can do the impossible
Opening up the idea that anything is possible with God. It encourages your young people to dream with God, for themselves and for the world.
8 - God and suffering
Examining how suffering entered the world and considering how our choices affect the world around us. Looking at how God reacts to suffering and we giving space for God to speak into past or present hurts.
9 - God has a plan
Following on from last week, we move onto God’s solution for suffering in the world – Jesus and his disciples. Encouraging young people to feel powerful in the face of suffering and take action.
10 - God is grace - you're not in trouble
Undoing the view that God is angry at us or stays angry at us when we mess up. Reinforcing the freedom that grace brings. Young people experience healing as God removes the burden of past mistakes.
11 - God is grace - forgiveness
Following last week exploring what it means for the person next to you to be shown grace by God and by us. Thinking about the freedom forgiveness brings and releasing forgiveness where needed in our lives.
12 - God hears - Chat
Introducing intuitive, natural conversations with God. This session removes fixed prayer models and frees children and young people to be in relationship with God.
13 - God speaks - Catch
Following on from ‘Chat’ this offers simple and easy ways for children and young people to catch what God is saying to them and building the foundations of a two way conversation with God.
14 - Social week - We are family
Social weeks appear in every term for down time with your children and young people.Thinking about God and faith through some key questions as they watch a movie.
15 - All age - One in Christ
Exploring as a church family what it means to live with Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and to be constantly refreshed by Him. An interactive service that aims to help everyone experience God through encounter.
1 - I am...priceless
This session aims to help each child and young person understand their value to God. The ministry creates an opportunity for everyone to be affirmed by God.
2 - I can be...powerful
This session aims to bring an understanding of the power children and young people have access to through the presence of the Holy Spirit within them. The ministry and the action time creates an opportunity to use that power to bring heaven to earth.
3 - I can be...free
This session aims to process what it means to be free in the Kingdom of God. We consider how our choices affect our freedom and learn how to apply freedom choices to our lives.
4 - I will not be afraid
God tells us, 'Do not fear' over and over, we never have to be afraid, fear doesn't have to hold us back. This session aims to process this information and help children and young people overcome their fears.
5 - I can be brave
Building on last week we consider God's calling on our lives to be bold and courageous. Our response is to talk to others about our best friend Jesus.
6 - I am...wealthy
We are rich in God's Kingdom, even if our pockets are empty. This session aims to help children and young people process what resources are available to them. Then they are encouraged to use those resources to affect the community around them.
7 - I can be...sad for God (compassion)
This session explores compassion, from God's perspective and the action we take when God shares that perspective with us.
8 - I can...chat for others (intercession)
We explore how powerful it can be to interceed for and with other people.
9 - I can...heal
We explore testimonies of God's healing power in the past and the present. We learn to heal and experience healing in this session.
10 - I can...heal 2
A really important question from last week will be, Why isn't everyone healed? This week unpacks this question and explores persistent prayer and Revelation 21.
11 - I am a messenger
God calls us to be his messengers to the world. In this session we start to unpack prophesy with children and young people.
12 - I can...spread joy
We explore why joy is so important to us. We experience joy through the power of the Holy Spirit and practice spreading joy in our community.
13 - I can...spread peace
This sessions aims to help children and young people understand they carry peace. We encounter the Holy Spirit to be filled with peace and practice spread peace in our community.
14 - Social week
Social weeks appear in every term for down time with your children and young people.Thinking about God and faith through some key questions as they watch a movie.
15 - All age - We are mighty
Exploring as a church family it means to be strong and courageous. An interactive service that aims to help everyone experience God through encounter.
1 - Intimacy - Living word the Bible 1
This module aims to help children foster a love of the Word, rather than a duty to the word. It uses child intuitive ways to access their imagination and bring the bible alive. This method of meditation gives them the opportunity to receive revelation and interact with the word in a fun, inspirational way.
2 - Intimacy - Living word the Bible 2
Information about this session is coming soon.
3 - Intimacy - Secret place
Information about this session is coming soon.
4 - Intimacy - Soaking
Information about this session is coming soon.
5 - Honour - Sacrifice - you first
Information about this session is coming soon.
6 - Honour - Judgement
Information about this session is coming soon.
7 - Honour - Pass
Information about this session is coming soon.
8 - Honour - Priceless 2
Information about this session is coming soon.
9 - Honour - Labels
Information about this session is coming soon.
10 - Honour - I choose to think the best
Information about this session is coming soon.
11 - Honour - Loving others
Information about this session is coming soon.
12 - Honour - Encouragement
Information about this session is coming soon.
13 - Honour - Conflict
Information about this session is coming soon.
14 - Social week
Information about this session is coming soon.
15 - All age - Honour
Information about this session is coming soon.